"Ludi," directed by Edson Jean, is a gripping and emotionally charged drama that delves into the complexities of the immigrant experience and the pursuit of the American dream. Set against the vibrant backdrop of Little Haiti in Miami, the film follows Ludi, a resilient and determined Haitian immigrant played brilliantly by Shein Mompremier. Facing the challenges of a new country and an exploitative job market, Ludi becomes entangled in a perilous underground network as she navigates the harsh realities of survival.

Edson Jean's directorial prowess shines through in this thought-provoking narrative, offering a poignant exploration of identity, resilience, and the indomitable spirit of those seeking a better life. Mompremier's powerful performance adds a raw and authentic layer to the film, making "Ludi" a compelling and socially relevant cinematic experience.

Directed by Edson Jean, USA, 2021, 81 Minutes, drama, English and Haitian Creole with English subtitles

"Jean's "Ludi" is the type of low-stakes drama that's easy to root for, and even more wonderful to see" - Robert Daniels, The Playlist

"This is one of the best films of the year so far, and that comes as a result of the hard work and dedication from everyone involved." - Kyle Bain, Film Threat

"An examination of the difficulties inherent in that so-called American Dream, with a magnetic lead performance from Shein Mompremier. Ludi is a charming, tragic, painful, and beautiful film to behold." -Aaron PetersonHollywood Outsider